Harold Koelling has been farming this area most of his life and is
now retired. The artifacts that he has not given away to his grandchildren
he graciously let us scan so they could be documented. Harold found
these on what is presently a sod farm that contains one known Paleo site
and I believe that the very thin uniface was more than likely found on
that site but we may never know for sure. Many points in this area
do not fit neatly into any point “types” and a good example is the nice
butterscotch colored point. It doesn’t exactly fit the Kirk family
as the base is highly ground and it doesn’t look like a Dove either so
it remains without a name for the time being. Thanks go to Harold
for sharing his remaining artifacts.
Margo Hupe
The outstanding artifacts here are the Uniface blades, most likely of Paleo-era
age, and in most cases considered rare finds. The volume of Paleo-era artifacts
turning up in the fields in Will County indicate of a higher level of occupation
during this period than had previously been thought…
All named projectile points in this frame are Early Archaic in age,
others, due to typological uncertainties, have remained un-named here.
Stone Sweet