Peotone: The Collections
Miscellaneous Collections
The Ferguson Collection
Mr. John Ferguson resides in Virginia today but in his childhood his home was in Chicago. During the summer months he would spend time in the country at his aunt and uncle’s farm, Jack and Agnes Clinton. On one visit John found an axe in his uncle’s cornfield –and his uncle Jack kept it until John was older, then turned it over to him. This ancient Indian axe, which is so special to John, recently caused him to search the internet for information concerning Indian artifacts so he
could learn more about this precious item that he had found around 1949. While searching the internet Mr. Ferguson came across the Dirtbrothers site and, as he put it, “was shocked to find so much information and so much collecting of stone age artifacts from a place very few people have ever heard of – Peotone, Illinois”. The reason that he was so shocked is quite simple.....he found this artifact on the Clinton farm............right here in Peotone, Illinois! 

John immediately contacted Margo Hupe, forwarding scans of the axe and after receiving permission from John the artifact is now here for all to see. From hundreds of miles away, over untold years since his childhood, the origins of this fine axe and it’s contributions of knowledge to the prehistory of the Peotone region are brought to light. Since the Clinton farm still remains with  the family we will check into any possible remaining artifacts that can be documented.

The axe itself is made from a light, speckled granite, three-quarter grooved, well-made and very little worn or resharpened. The axe likely dates to between 2000 and 1000 B.C. and is representative of axes from the region. John even remembers the general area where he found this artifact and it will be documented.

We thank John for sharing this artifact for all to see and several of us will always wonder how he must have felt when he came upon the Dirtbrothers site and saw
“Peotone” on that screen....what a small world it truly is.

Margo & Stone
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Margo Hupe
David "Stone" Sweet