Peotone: The Collections
Miscellaneous Collections
The Gaffney Collection
I met Chris Gaffney for the first time about a month ago and explained to him about all the archaeological sites in our area. He went home and checked around on his property and brought some flakes over, which indicated another site. He was working in his garden on March 29, 2001.  I received a call from him while he was walking from his garden to his truck and he was so excited and said he was coming over to my house right away. Chris found his first actual point, a beautiful little Kirk blunt and I think the hunting bug has hit for sure! Chris and his wife Lydia live with their 4-month old daughter and they have put off building a house until the airport issue is settled. In the meantime they are living in a nice double-wide. Thanks for sharing Chris and you just keep that point for good-luck…. make sure it doesn’t fall out of that pocket of yours! We will register his hill as another archaeological site to be added to the list.
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Margo Hupe
David "Stone" Sweet