Peotone: The Collections
Miscellaneous Collections
The Cann Collection
Brian Cann’s great grandfather settled in Peotone in the mid 1800’s. In 1884 John Cann started a herd of Scottish Short-Horned Cattle and although the cattle are long-gone the family remains in the area. While digging a pond three years ago, near Sanger Airport, Brian and his friend found these two artifacts “at least three feet” down, just below a large hill. One is a Kirk Corner Notch minus the top but the other point is absolutely gorgeous and we are showing both sides. The first view shows the quartz inclusion created by a crinoid fossil, which I have marked with a little arrow. This point falls into the Kirk Cluster and due to the basal grinding and fine flaking pattern we are placing it in the Palmer category. Lucky Brian and friend I’d say.  These two points have been placed in a small wooden frame and can be seen at Brian’s Place in Monee, Illinois where Brian has a wonderful restaurant on Rt. 50….north side of town….you can’t miss it. Our thanks to these two gentlemen for letting us share their finds……I wish I could find a point like that….the one on the left! 
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Margo Hupe
David "Stone" Sweet