Peotone: The Collections
Miscellaneous Collections
The Mueller Collection
Darcetta Mueller called after reading one of the local newspaper articles that stated we were looking for local artifact collections. Her husband, Russell, has collected these during his years of farming and he is now in possession of the Gilbert Schroeder collection, Mr. Mueller's uncle.

We start off with a large celt, commonly referred to as an ungrooved axe. Below, left is a bifacial knife from the Archaic period. To the top right of the knife is a nice Kirk Bifurcate, one of the few I have seen. Next comes another Kirk Corner Notch followed by the top of a Hardin, but that is just a guess. The reason I have picked Hardin is the left-hand beveling and the upward lift of the barb area. To the lower right of the large knife is a small bifacial tool, next is a resharpened 
"probable" Kirk. A possible partial Brewerton is next and the last artifact is a heavily resharpened Kramer.

Again, I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. and Mrs. Mueller for sharing their collection and the collection that Mr. Gilbert Schroeder spent years putting together.


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Margo Hupe
David "Stone" Sweet