Dirt Brothers Gallery Presents
Ron &  Marsha Fowler's Collection

Ron Fowler

Brief Description of Collection Activities and Philosophy
   of Ron and Marsha Fowler, South Covington County , AL
The items shown come from the area surrounding a lithic 
quarry site (quartzite) bordering the Conecuh River north of Andalusia, 
Alabama.  Most of the remaining items come from sites located on 
recently clear-cut, burned, and replanted timber tracts in south-central 
Covington County, Alabama.  There is typically a 2 year window of 
collection/salvage opportunity after the burn-off and replanting of the 

Most sites are located within several hundred yards of a creek or spring, 
on sandy well drained soil, and well above flood levels.  Maximum 
undisturbed artifact depths are typically 8 inches.  Most of the sites are 
in at least the third timber clear-cut cycle and are thus highly �disturbed� 
from the logging operations and the repeated bulldozing cleanup operation 
following each cut cycle. 

We collect everything: lithic flakes, pottery shards, cooking stones, 
grinding stones - anything that suggests human use or alteration. 
We do not buy, sell, or trade artifacts.  All items are kept separated 
by site and we are now documenting artifact distribution at some sites. 
This requires much effort of course and is not done for the mere sake 
of collecting but for the future use of serious students of archeology as
a contribution to the collective knowledge of  our ancestors.

Artifacts begin on the Next Page .....
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