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June July August 2004
All-Onion Update Special!
Well, it's been awhile since the last update, but I've been leading a busy busy life! I got to be the proud Dad leading his daughter down the wedding aisle. I also travelled to CO to assist in filming Bobby Bridger's amazing Ballad of the West.

I have decided to go back to school to get a Master's degree in Archaeology... the better to be able to answer your questions! It'll take me awhile, a year to wait just to begin!

I promise to try to get more frequent updates up for you to enjoy!

BTW, check your Dirt Bros membership card to make sure your membership doesn't run out!
Enjoy the  all-Onion update!

Read the update page-by-page, then jump back to your favorite section!
Read it by chapter and jump back here.
Your choice!    Enjoy!

June July August 2004 Latest Finds Direct Links:
Latest Onion Creek finds
Bonus Feature: Sam's Johnson City Ranch

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