Dirt Brothers Visitor's Pages
March/April 2001

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"The point was probably sitting on the floor of the bay, as the  sea level has
risen over some of the early middens. Oyster spats (free swimming larvae) settle
on firm objects to grow, (other oysters, rocks, wood,etc.)  The oyster has grown
on top of the point, and dwarfing it. The point was assimalated into the shell
during the growing process. If you picture the object upside down you can
imagine how this took place. The topcurved part of the shell is the oldest from
which the growth takes place. I lifted up the end of the shell (with a stack of
bus.cards) to get a good perpendicular scan..

The funny thing is that someone picked this oyster to eat, and discarded the
shell. never seeing or noticing the point imbedded in it.   I also found an
object of similiar chert about 10 feet away. It's a blunt end of another point
,or end scraper.."

Thanks to Garry, a frequent contributor and good "Dirt Bro" from Houston.   
I'd sure like to see other examples of points grown into things.   Bob

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