Dirt Brothers Visitor Pages
January - October, 2005
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Pottery atop a large metate, or grinding "bowl"..
From Dirt Bro & Sis  Richard & Shelly Downing in Oklahoma
 My husband found this Plains Village Bell Shaped Storage Pit in North Central Oklahoma.  Picture attached.  Rising flood water had cut the pit in half leaving a perfect cross section about 4' by 4'.

The pit was filled with trash.  It contained numerous pieces of pottery, flint and bone, including 2 Washita points, 3 Fresno points and 5 scrapers.  Two pices of pottery have been fitted together and are shown on a grinding stone in one picture.  The other picture shows broken bone, freshwater mussel shell, dear jaw bone and a squirrel skull.

Richard and Shelly Downing 

Thanks for sharing this interesting find!

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